Responsive Intelligence

Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology

Responsive Intelligence™ is based on living in the present moment and being connected to our emotional experience. From this place of connection we make empowered choices and cultivate our best self. This ability is defined as Responsive IQ™, our capacity to be mindful and emotionally intelligent while choosing positive thoughts and actions.

Cultivate Responsive Intelligence™

When we cultivate Responsive Intelligence™ (RI), it results in having greater choice in relation to how we bring our best selves into the world. We go from reacting to life from an unconscious, triggered and cluttered mind, to responding with positivity, awareness and alignment. This transformation can have a significant positive impact in our personal and professional life, and can be integrated into homes, corporations, governments, schools, healthcare, and other cultural settings. RI is cultivated by practicing and growing ones strengths in three specific areas, called The Three Pillars of Responsive Intelligence™ – mindfulness, emotional awareness, and positive thoughts and actions.
Founders featured on:

Three Pillars of Responsive Intelligence™



Mindfulness is a practice of growing present moment awareness. There are many ways to develop it. Most of which include focusing or “anchoring” our attention on a present moment experience. These “anchors” usually include feeling our breath, or other sensations, like listening, touching, tasting, seeing. Mindfulness has many scientifically proven benefits, that include healthier emotional regulation, less stress, and better ability to focus. Being the first pillar, mindfulness sets the foundation for the other two.

Emotional Awareness


Emotional awareness is the act of being connected to our emotional experience and that of others. This connection includes the ability to feel and identify our own emotions, communicate about them in a healthy way, and engage in a healthy way with others regarding their emotions. When we are not in touch with our emotions often they clutter our system and fester leading us to being more reactive and triggered. When we honor our emotions it allows us to bring much healthier and clearer choices around otherwise challenging situations. Emotional awareness combined with mindfulness, makes us better at practicing positive thoughts and actions, the third pillar…

Positive Thoughts and Actions


Practicing the first two pillars of RI leads to strengthening our power to choose positive thoughts and actions that are in the alignment with our best self. The act of choosing positive thoughts and actions has been proven to increase our health and the happiness of ourselves and others. There’s a wealth of choices when considering positive thoughts and actions, some often considered are practicing gratitude, acts of kindness, compassion, empathy and giving. This pillar of RI is the end product of growing your Responsive IQ™ and becoming more empowered in your life.

Personal and Corporate Integration

Integrating Responsive Intelligence™ significantly impacts our personal and professional lives. It strengthens our ability to make empowered choices and cultivate our best self. RI also transforms organizational cultures creating a more connected, empowered and satisfying environment. Click the links below to learn more about RI trainings and how to integrate them into your personal life and corporate culture.



Companies served include:


…Responsive Intelligence was phenomenal at incorporating our unique culture and employee expectations, and taught the participants to respond to life with awareness and cultivate greater civility, connection, compassion and love, as opposed to reacting from a place of stress and a cluttered mind. RI also shared a range of simple and accessible mindfulness techniques, teaching participants how to be present in the face of daily challenges. I would certainly recommend RI for future work related engagements…

HR Leader of Major Airline

I am on a regional leadership team for our global initiative, Responsive Int has conducted multiple trainings with our staff and is now advising on how to integrate mindfulness. emotional awareness, and positive thoughts and actions into our overarching wellness strategy. thus far employees responded extremely well to the trainings and have learned tools for finding more calm and focus and overall life satisfaction that they are integrating into their rigorous work life. RI team has been exceptional to work with and I look forward to bringing wider impact to our corporate culture.

Consultant and Wellness Team Lead, Big Three Consulting Firm

RI joined my sales team on a retreat and really shifted the way they relate to their customers as well as themselves in terms of their strenuous work load. The application of RI to challenges like customer relationships, common sales bias, and employee self care, was meaningful. I feel RI helped to empower my team and I look forward to continued collaboration.

Sales Team Lead, Big Tech Firm

The Science of RI

The three pillars of RI, mindfulness, emotional awareness and positive thoughts and actions, all have a body of scientific evidence showing their many benefits. Responsive Intelligence™ has been developed with a team of visionary advisers including neuroscientists, a Harvard lecturer and experts in positive psychology.